4 Star Hotel

4 Star Hotel

4 STAR Deluxe HOTEL For Sales at Egmore

  • Plot Ground area Exactly 9 Grounds
  • Built up Area 70,000
  • Total Rooms 96 Rooms
  • Normal Rooms 80 Rooms
  • Suit Rooms 8 Rooms
  • Deluxe Rooms 8 Rooms
  • Basement Under Ground
  • First Basement Conference Hall and Reception Hall
  • Second Basement Machinery and staff Rooms
  • Ground Floor Lobby & Restaurant
  • First Floor Bar & Restaurant
  • Car Parking Faculties (60 Nos)
  • Two-Wheeler Parking (200 Nos)
  • Fully Centralized A/c Provided
  • Open Terrace 11th Floors
  • Solar System Available