3 Star Hotel

Star Hotel for Sales at Marina beach Chennai
- Safest Hotel in the entire World.
- Next To Tamilnadu police Headquarters.
- This Hotel is known worldwide.
- Area 16000 sq. ft
- 23 Deluxe Double Rooms Two Single Rooms One Premium Suite Room.
- 10 Passenger Elevator
- 60 Tonne Hitachi Centralized AC
- 140 KVA Cummins Generator Set
- Reverse Osmosis Plant
- The Rooms are filled with room furniture, Restaurant fixtures, Bar fixtures Elevator, genset. & all room furniture White cedar & bar sofas are Rose Wood.
- Regularisation of the building with CMDA, Hotel License, Restaurant License & Bar license Cost 3 crores.
- Restaurant Car Parking with movable chairs, tables & chicken Barbecue.
- Total 5 Floors & Open Terrace
Return On Investment Current & Proposed
- Daily Revenue Potential
- Rooms: 50,000/- Nett
- Bar: 50,0000/- Nett
- Restaurant: 50,000/- Nett
- Spa & Saloon: 20,000/- Nett
- Total: 1,70,000/Nett Per Day
- Revenue Potential: 6.12 Crores GP per annum
- Current Revenue: 2.4 Crores GP per annum
- Proposed Cost of Acquisition: 30 Crores
- ROI at Current Revenue Levels: 8 %
- ROI at 60 % of the Projections: 12.25 %
- Call us For Quote
Return On Investment Projection